Miss Moka Il viaggio di Trismoka in Brasile
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Trismoka's Journey to Brazil

Coffee Trails has a specific goal: to tell firsthand the stories of those who produce some of the coffee origins that make up Trismoka blends, from the most historic to the most recent, such as Miss Moka.

Michael Boffelli, Head of Training, and Marco Uberti, the face of the third Trismoka generation, set off for Brazil to explore plantations, observe their work processes, and get to know the people who, with dedication and passion, make it possible for extraordinary coffees to be born.

Il viaggio di Trismoka in Brasile Il viaggio di Trismoka in Brasile Il viaggio di Trismoka in Brasile

This journey has offered a unique opportunity to meet female coffee producers, hear their stories, and observe their daily work, which enables Trismoka to obtain raw materials of the highest quality. Through this journey, Trismoka celebrates the commitment and dedication of those who make its coffee possible and shares with the public the journey each bean takes from plant to cup.

Discovering the origins of
our coffee

Day 1

Santa Rita de Cassia Farm

The journey began with a visit to the beautiful Santa Rita de Cassia Farm, where Daniella Alkimin welcomed the team to the hills of Mantiqueira de Minas.
Here, Michael and Marco discovered coffee varieties such as Catuai, Mundo Novo, and Arara, and learned about the sustainable cultivation techniques that make their coffee unique.

Peixoto Family Farm

In the afternoon, the team visited the Peixoto Family Farm, where dedication and passion for coffee production are reflected in every bean. The Peixoto family showcased the innovative practices that characterize their work.

Day 2

AFASACAFé and Divisa Farm

The morning began with a visit to the AFASACAFé cooperative, where Michael and Marco met small producers who work together to create extraordinarily high-quality coffee.
The day continued with a visit to the Divisa Farm of Thais Pimentel. Located between the cities of Oliveira and Carmopolis, this farm captivated the team with its coffee varieties and fermentation techniques used to enhance product quality.

Fazendas Reunidas Montueira

In the afternoon, the team headed to Fazendas Reunidas Montueira. Here, they further explored the coffee cultivation traditions, immersing themselves in the stories and processes that make it so special.

Day 3

Fazenda 3 Porteiras

The third day began with a visit to Fazenda 3 Porteiras, run by Maria Helena, known for its specialty coffees and in-house roasting. Here, the Catuai, Arara, and Mundo Novo varieties are dried and left to rest through a natural process, demonstrating a commitment to growing harmony between passion for coffee and sustainability.

Tapera do Bàu Farm

In the afternoon, the team visited Tapera do Bàu Farm, owned by Luiza Macedo. Here, the team learned about anaerobic fermentation techniques and immersed themselves in the aromatic notes of red fruits, cane sugar, and chocolate that define their coffee.

Days 4 e 5

Eldorado Farm

The last two days of the journey have been dedicated to Eldorado Farm, owned by Lais Falheiros.
Here, the Geisha, Arara, and Bourbon coffee varieties have been explored, as well as natural, semi-washed, and fermented processing techniques, which give the coffee exceptional quality.
This farm is the source of the coffee used in the Miss Moka blend, and learning about the processes behind this product has made it possible to appreciate each cup even more.